Pacific NorthWitch 03

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When Elliot came to Seattle, she reluctantly found roommates, and they reluctantly accepted her into their home. The other three, Carrie, Melinda, and Judy, all had gone to Washington State University together, and when they graduated they naturally gravitated to Seattle for work and culture and all of the things a hip city attracted the young and social to. They all shared a townhouse in the Rainier Beach neighborhood — “the ghetto,” Elliot’s roommates whispered excitedly to each other, all three human, and light skinned, except for Judy, who was Vietnamese American. Elliot had once asked them why they called it that, and they mumbled something about being on MLK and the kind of people who live on MLK.

“Oh, so like, racism,” Elliot said. That was the end of the conversation. It was also one of the better conversations she had with them. The rest of the time, especially on the weekends, it was one loud party after another. This had not come up when they talked before Elliot joined them. What had come up was “Oh, we went to Wazzu, so you know what that means.” Elliot had not. She had not known what that meant.

They gave Elliot what they called “the Murder Room.” She was on the ground floor with the garage, which meant she was also the first room any murderer would come across before venturing upstairs. It was damp and a little musty, and sometimes smelled a little like car exhaust from Melinda’s car, but it was nice enough. She had a sliding glass door that opened up to a tiny patch of yard, which meant light and fresh air when it was nice enough. She had done her best to make it her own, with posters of her favorite cryptids on the wall — Sasquatch and the Flatwoods Monster and the Fresno Nightwalkers, and of course Mothman. She also had an attached bathroom with a shower, which meant she rarely had to leave when there were parties, just as long as the wifi was working.

Elliot slipped into her room, using the sliding door instead of the front door. She left the door unlocked, open just a little to let air in, but held mostly shut by a jimmy bar. She looked around, up and down the back of the townhouses, and pointed discretely at the jimmy bar. She waited until she could feel it, and flicked her wrist. The bar popped out of the door track, and Elliot slipped inside.

She wasn’t supposed to be able to do that, of course. She discovered it on accident when she was young, so young that she really couldn’t pin down when she had learned it. She replaced the bar, dropped her bag by the door, and collapsed on her bed.

Elliot went over everything in her head. She put losing her job upfront, because that was probably the important part. She’d have to update her resume again, and she groaned. At 26, she had cultivated a fine selection of service jobs, and losing her last job would make five jobs in the last four years. That wasn’t her fault. What had been available to her had been garbage, barely over minimum wage. Kingway, the last job she had, had felt like she was going somewhere. She worked in an office with other young professionals, could quietly come and go when she please — Zerina was always happy to clock out for her, which she knows was super against the rules, but Kingway was paying her a reluctant fifteen dollars an hour, Seattle minimum wage, and minimum wage meant minimum effort. And of course, now her whole office was out of work.

But the other things too started to creep back into her head. How had she disturbed a banshee’s nest? She was just walking in Pioneer Square when it came out of nowhere. The woman from the night before said she knows why the banshee was attracted to her. She didn’t believe it.

A door in her mind opened, one she had shut ages ago. She remembered her old house, the one she had grown up in. It had been an old farm house, and the neighborhood had grown around it. It had been at least a hundred years old, creaking out its story every night as it settled down to sleep with the rest of them. She remembered being alone in the house, the things that moved in the corners of her periphery. She had figured it was because she had stayed up late so much. But she had also locked away the time she decided to try to see the things just outside of her vision. Her parents found her that night hiding behind the couch, the claw marks on her face still bleeding. They didn’t believe her, of course, chalking it up to the burrow lizards that always interfered with their garden.

She never sought to disturb those things again. She closed the door on that memory, but retained the lesson. She sat up in her bed, shaking. Carefully, she crept to the bathroom and splashed her face with water.

Elliot looked at herself in the mirror. How many times had she seen something she had ignored? How much had she locked away because she didn’t want to think about it. Was Mothman in there? She’d be so mad if she locked Mothman away.

And she thought about the nerd on the train. What had he wanted? The phrase Out of Town kept repeating in her head. Was he from Out of Town. Was she?

For a moment, she sat on her bed, staring down at her phone. She knew what the next step was, she just didn’t want to. She resented that she had to.

She texted Zerina. “We need to talk about Out of Town.”

Elliot watched the typing indicator pulse, trying to push her shaking out of herself.

“OMG I’ve been waiting for this,” Zerina texted back.

“What does it mean?”

“You know what it means ;3”

“Don’t you winky face me. I’ve been through too much in the last day.”

“Okokok I’ll be over in like four seconds.”

Elliot looked around. “You’re not like actually here, are you?”

“Look in your bathroom…”

Elliot stood and carefully kept back to her bathroom, pushing the door open slowly.

It was empty.

“Just kidding, I’ll have to bus it. Want to meet somewhere? I know a few good places.”

Elliot sighed. “Yeah, wherever. I just want to know what’s going on.”

Zerina sent her a location, just off of 23rd in the Central District. “See you there.”

Elliot stared at her phone, at the little location dot on the map. She turned it off, grabbed her bag and a toaster pastry from under her bed, and left the townhouse.


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Pacific NorthWitch 02

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Officially, Elliot was not under arrest. Officially, she was a witness, and the police wanted a statement. Officially, they could keep her there for days and no one would miss her.

Elliot waited in the cramped interrogation room. She knew how this would work, and she opted to nap instead of sweating out when the detectives would show up. The door opened with the smell of stale cigarettes and staler coffee. She didn’t bat an eye, but her ears perked as the chair across from her was pulled out. Elliot lifted her head, meeting the gaze of the cat in front of her.

The cat was orange, with a inverted white V of fur running from the top of her head to down below her neck. She wore a dark blue suit and looked well composed for stupid o’clock in the morning.

“You’re not my lawyer,” Elliot said.

“I am not,” the cat said. She opened a manilla folder and began to examine the papers inside. “Technically, under the Hunter Act of 1799 I don’t have to get you a lawyer. But you’re not a suspect, we just want a statement from you, and then you’ll be free to go.”

“So,” Elliot started, “I’m not an idiot, I know how this works. Get me a lawyer.”

The cat tilted her head at Elliot. “I forgot to introduce myself.” She retrieved a badge from her pocket. “Special Agent Gabrielle Lebeaux, Homeland Security.”

“What part?” Elliot would have crossed her arms over her chest if not for the handcuffs. Special Agent Lebeaux raised an eyebrow at the cuffs. She dug in her pocket and produced a key, and unlocked them. Elliot rubbed her wrists.

“Department of Extranormal Circumstances.”

“So what, like shitty X-Files?” Elliot said.

“That’s right, the really crappy ones,” the agent conceded.

Elliot stood. Agent Lebeaux watched her carefully.

“I’m not under arrest,” Elliot said. “I’ve been up since five o’clock yesterday. I want to go home.”

“I just need to know what you saw,” the agent said. “I promise you’re not in trouble.”

Elliot took a step back from the table, still rubbing her wrists. She considered this.

“Let me show you what we have,” the agent said. She pulled a photo from her briefcase. It was a blurry picture of Elliot and the woman, and the thing, but that was barely in focus. Elliot tried to concentrate on the thing, but her head started to hurt.

“Look,” Elliot said, “I can’t explain to you what this is.”

“That is you, is it not?” The agent asked.

Elliot stared.

“With evidence like this, we could charge you for releasing a banshee into a population center.”

Elliot’s ears twitched. “What do you do at the Department of Extranormal Circumstances…?”

“Crappy X-Files,” the agent said.

“She called it a banshee too. I thought those were fake. Like stories.”

“What else did she tell you?”

“Just that. And that someone from Scotland brought them over?” Elliot thought a moment. “I don’t even know her name. I don’t… This isn’t about the monster, is it?”

The agent raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, so clearly you know more about this than I do. I don’t even remember how this happened. One minute I’m in Pioneer Square, and the next I’m running from an actual banshee, which I’m told in actuality ARE SHY.”

“Not really the nesting season for them either,” Agent Lebeaux said.

Elliot threw her hands up in the air.

“Nevermind the monster,” the agent said.

“So then who is she?”

“Wrong question.”

Elliot folded her arms over her chest.

“My question for you is, what is her interest in you?”

“I don’t know,” Elliot said. She turned away from the agent.

“You attracted a banshee. Did she tell you why?”

Elliot didn’t answer.

“But you know why.”

“No, I don’t.” Elliot turned back to her. “And I am invoking my constitutional right to a lawyer.” She sat down on the chair, her arms still crossed, and started hard at the agent.

“No need for that,” the agent said. “You’re free to go.” The agent stood up. “I appreciate your time today, Elliot. I’ll escort you out of the station.” She gently but firmly guided Elliot through the police station, and a moment later they were standing on Pine. The agent handed her a card. “If you see anything else weird, call me.”

Elliot gave a half-hearted nod and set off into the city.

The morning sun cast pink light onto the clouds over the trees. Cal Anderson Park was still, and she could meander across Pine, hurrying only at the slightest threat of a number 10 bus, gliding down the street, its trolley poles sparking every so often. The Link would open soon, and she thought of nothing but crawling into bed, pulling the blanket over her head, and sleeping for like eight days.

Her phone vibrated. Elliot checked her messages. The sole message was from Zerina. She opened it.

“How was your night :3”

Elliot wanted to chuck her phone across the park.

“How did you even find a banshee nest?”

Elliot stopped. She nearly dropped her phone. A thousand questions barreled through her mind, a thousand doors opened. A thousand obvious answers reappeared, and waved at her.

Shaking, Elliot responded, “afdagrrega.”

Zerina’s reply: “>:3”

“How long? HOW LNOG?”


Elliot collapsed onto a bench. “When I see you again I’m going to punch you in the throat.”

“Honk honk”

A car pulled up to the curb in front of her. It was an old BMW from the 70s, the realization of trapezoidal design, and a maroon Elliot was sure made sense at the time. The window rolled down and its passenger hung out of the side. Elliot didn’t look up. She didn’t want or need to.

“Get in, loser, we’re going to Beth’s!”

Elliot moaned, and looked up, right at Zerina’s smile.

“You promised me a punch,” Zerina said.

“I did.” Elliot held up her fist. “Get ready, here it comes.”

Zerina opened her door and got out, letting down the seat so Elliot could climb into the back. Elliot felt her shoulders go slack, and dutifully climbed in the back of the car.

She didn’t know what else to do.

Also, there were bacon waffles to be had. So there was that.

Beth’s was always open, and surprisingly crowded for this early in the morning. Zerina asked for crayons and paper right away, and began doodling as soon as they arrived. Ty had driven them there, and she sat next to Zerina in their booth. Ty was wolf, but her large ears and big fluffy tail betrayed some fox in her too. She was tall, her headfur cut close to her head, and she sipped her coffee confidently. She gave Elliot a friendly smile and said, “Sorry about the job.”

Elliot shrugged. “It happens. I’m sure I’ll find something at Lemuria or something.”

“I’ve heard they suck to work for,” Ty said. “Like, they’re a very ‘oh, you don’t want to work 70 hours a week’ sort of place.”

“What else am I going to do with my life?” Elliot asked.

“Literally anything else,” Zerina said, sketching out a sun on her paper. “None of us were born to work, pay bills, and die.”

“Hmm,” Elliot said. “You’re right, that could cut into my YouTube time.” She sat back as her bacon waffles arrived, watching hungrily. She wasted no time tearing into them.

“We’ll find you something,” Ty said. “Are you good at cars? Vic is always looking for Out of Towners.” Her ears twitched, and she looked around. Elliot’s ears perked. Ty leaned a little closer, and quietly said, “you are from Out of Town, right?”

Zerina elbowed her.

“I mean, this is Seattle,” Elliot said. “Everyone is from out of town.”

“True,” Ty said slowly. “I’m from Gateway City myself.”

“Delta City, Illinwah,” Zerina said. “Well, the crappy suburbs thereof.”

Elliot nodded. “Spokane.”

The conversation died when the rest of the food came. For a moment, Elliot just stared at Zerina. She was too tired to process what should have been obvious. Zerina ignored her, obviously so, and Elliot could feel herself fuming.

She thought about what that woman had said. She already had a guide. They wanted her to join them. And she put together things about Zerina, that she could see her when no one else could, that she knew about the banshee, and that she found her this morning.

Was Ty one of them too? She seemed nice enough, but everything felt so weird right now. If Ty suddenly pulled her face off and revealed herself to be a bird person, Elliot wouldn’t have been surprised.

She knew the answers to her questions and she hated them. So she concentrated on the bacon waffles instead.

Zerina and Ty gossiped about other people, other Out of Towners, Elliot assumed, whatever that meant. Ty talked about Vic’s Garage, where she worked, and it sounded legitimately cool. It was all women and/or LGBTQ people, and if Elliot had a car, she would have taken it there. Elliot didn’t have much to contribute to the conversation, but she was happy to listen, and Zerina and Ty seemed happy to have her.

Zerina finished her picture, a smiling sun sinking below the horizon, behind a cloudy sky. It said, “See you in eight months!” And Elliot remembered Autumn was almost there, and thus Seattle’s wet season. She didn’t mind it so much, actually. It was solid hoodie weather, and compared to where she grew up, she didn’t worry about freezing most of the time, or having to shovel snow off of anything. They stuck around Beth’s a little longer, and drove her back when Ty started to get antsy about getting to work.

They dropped her off at the University station, and Elliot settled into a Link seat, right before the rush hour crowd piled in. She closed her eyes and decided she could nap on the way back home.

As she dozed off, she felt something prickle on the back of her neck. Her fur stood on end, and her eyes shot open. She had felt it before, when that woman had arrived. She scanned her eyes over the passengers on the train, looking at all the women she could see. None of them noticed her, none of them stood out.

Elliot closed her hands into fists. She was sure she was being watched. She just didn’t know who was watching. And by the time they reached Capitol Hill the train was full. She watched the crowd shuffle on, and scanned who stayed behind. This time around she caught someone staring, a nerd in a green jacket. He looked like a dog, chubby with grey fur and darker grey headfur. He wore a pair of glasses on his muzzle, and a bandana around his neck, and he was watching her very carefully.

Elliot’s ears perked. Had he gotten on at the University station? Was he staring because she was having a minor freakout? It was about to be a major freakout if he was. She started planning her escape. She went unseen, and watched the nerd carefully.

The train pulled into Westlake, and the crowd piled out. Elliot watched the nerd go, relieved. She slid back in her seat, her eyes closed, and let out a long sigh. But when she opened them, he stood on the platform, watching from a distance, staring right at her. She was supposed to be unseen, but he had locked on to her.

And then the train was out of the station.

Elliot wanted to throw up. She lay back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling and willing her stomach into submission. She closed her eyes, and waited for her stop.


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Pacific NorthWitch 01

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Elliot was having a day.

Currently, nearly midnight, she was running, not well, crashing into trash cans and boxes that littered the alley. She could hear it behind her, echoing, its horrible scream bouncing off the brick walls around her. It skittered past the mouth of the alley, clawing at the concrete sidewalks, and lunged towards Elliot.

This all started when Elliot got fired. Well, okay, it was before that. She had been minding her own business, trying to make a little overtime, when her coworker, Zerina, invited her to happy hour. Zerina was the one coworker that Elliot kind of liked, though maybe like was generous, but they interacted way more than any of her other coworkers. The thing was, Elliot was good at hiding, and Zerina always found her.

What Elliot’s coworkers heard was, “You should come to happy hour with us.” But, the thing was, Zerina hadn’t said that at all. What Z had said was, “You’ve watched that Locke video enough. You want to find out what really happened to him?”

It had been as clear as day, but she was certain she had only heard it in her head.

And then they got fired. But, like, what the fuck?

What the fuck, Zerina?

Elliot grabbed a garbage bag off the ground and spun, hurling it at… that thing. It landed on the beast’s head, exploding into a horrible mess, and for a moment the beast wailed, disoriented. And Elliot went unseen.

This was a trick she had learned early in life, that she could be in the middle of a conversation and just… disappear. Not really, she was always there, but the other person would blink, glassy-eyed, and shake their head, and wander off as if they had never been talking to anyone. She could stand in front of people and they’d never see her, not if she didn’t want them to.

Elliot pressed herself against the wall, her ears leveling on her head, and she willed herself unseen.

The beast shook the last of the garbage off and looked around. It bent down into a crouch, shrieking, and then rocketed down the alley, bellowing its terrible call.

Elliot turned and ran has hard as she could back down the alley. And she tripped over the garbage the thing had strewn about, kicking a glass bottle across the asphalt.

The thing dug its claws into the ground, screaming in anger, its glowing eyes locking on to her.

“Oh, come on!” Elliot said. She ran out into the street, hoping at least to put traffic between them. But the barren midnight streets didn’t cooperate. Still, Elliot picked a direction and ran, hoping to find anyone. And then, little by little, she came to a stop. The beast behind her had too.

The night was deadly silent. There was no car noise, no traffic from I-5 or Fifth Avenue or Pike. There was no din of people talking, of the poor lost souls of the streets arguing with themselves. It was just silent.

Something flew overhead, Elliot was sure of it, across the moon. Both she and the demon looked up, catching the shadow of a figure as it circled overhead. It stopped, and descended, and slowly the form of a person came into view. She was red panda, wearing a modest green dress and a shawl around her shoulders. She had white headfur, voluminous and so soft looking, that touched her shoulders. And of course, she sat on a broomstick.

Elliot was so tired.

She processed everything, and remembered the box of toaster pastries under her bed. She wanted nothing more than to go back to her room and sleep, and when she awoke in the morning, she could start looking for jobs, and-

“Elliot?” The person called. She landed in between her and the beast, and watched Elliot carefully.

“Don’t like that,” Elliot said.

“It is Elliot, right?”

Elliot watched the woman. She hopped off her broom, taking it in one hand, turning her entire back to the thing. It snarled and screamed and moved towards her. She only turned, not taking her eyes off of Elliot, and pointed. The thing stopped, hesitating, though it didn’t look like it was sure why.

“Yeah,” Elliot said.

“Are you okay?”

Elliot threw her arms up. “I MEAN!” She motioned to the thing.

“Yeah, that’s understandable.” The woman reached into her bag. “Let’s take care of that, shall we?” And she turned to the thing.

The thing screamed at her, stomping and snarling so loud it rattled the windows up and down the street.

“You,” the woman said. “You know better than that.” She pulled a jar from her bag, but held it at her side.

The thing screeched at her, opening its mouth to reveal just too many teeth. Just way too many.

The woman held the jar in front of her, and again, the thing hesitated.

“Go back to your nest,” she said. The thing opened its mouth again, and before it could so much as squeal, the woman raised the jar and quickly dropped it back down. It clinked, and for the first time Elliot could see it was full of pennies.

The thing shrieked at the sound, stepping back.

“You had your chance,” the woman said. She shook the jar again, and the thing backed up so quickly it slammed into the building behind it, screaming in panic. The woman shook the jar again, for good measure, and the thing bellowed and darted off into the city.

Elliot stood, watching with her mouth agape. “Did you just defeat a monster with a no no jar?”

The woman smiled at her, warm and soft. “Sometimes the best solutions are the most obvious.” She approached Elliot carefully.

“What was that?” Elliot asked.

“Banshee,” the woman said. “They’re not indigenous to the area. Some knob brought them across from Scotland about a decade ago. They usually are shy, but that one seems unusual. Maybe it was hungry.” She stepped closer. “Are you hurt?”

Elliot said, “How do you know my name?”

The woman said, “We’ve had our eye on you for a while.”

“Thanks, that’s a terrifying answer,” Elliot said.

“You know why, though,” the woman said. “There’s a reason it went after you and not some bro up on Capitol Hill.”

Elliot bristled, feeling too many thing to keep them sorted. She tried to speak, but couldn’t find the right words.

Distantly, a siren sounded, and then another, and then the thunder of a helicopter.

“I think I need to go,” the woman said. “When the time comes, when you feel comfortable, we should talk again.”

“How? I don’t know you.”

“You already have a guide. They’re just waiting for you to say the right thing.” She climbed on to her broomstick. “Have a good night!” And she silently darted off into the city.

The sounds of life came crashing back all at once and Elliot shrieked. She looked around, down the street at the approaching police cars, and she started to step off the road. A helicopter swung out from over a building, shining its light down on her. Elliot sighed. She knew how this went — running would only lead to bad outcomes. She waited while the police cars caught up. Guns drawn, they cuffed her, pushed her into the back of a squad car, and took her in.

Elliot was having a day.


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Pacific NorthWitch 00

The thing you have to understand about the disappearance of Mitchell Locke is that he disappeared on camera. You could follow his journey and everything. A camera catches him entering the tunnel at 2:03am from the north, a car in front of him, another behind. And for a few camera changes, this continues: the first car passes, and then Locke, and then the third car. That is, until you get to camera 27, about 500 feet away from the south portal of the tunnel. The first car is gone. Locke pulls into frame, the third car nowhere behind him. He stops in the tunnel, puts his hazards on, and gets out of his car. No one else passes into the tunnel.

At this point it’s clear Locke is looking at something. He leaves the side of his car, and the first jump in the tape happens. It’s just a quick burst of static, and Locke is across the tunnel, looking at what was later determined to be an emergency exit. There’s another burst of static, and Locke is gone. All that’s left in the tunnel is his car, it’s hazards flashing. By the time a tow truck could get to it, the battery had run down, the gas tank was empty, and the air had escaped from its tires. A fine film of dust covered the car.

The other two drivers were identified. Both of them could point themselves out on the tunnel footage, and the rear-most driver recognized the front driver’s car. But neither saw Locke. Neither saw him stop in the tunnel. All that could be sure of Locke was that he entered the Washington State Highway 99 tunnel at 2:03am and by 2:11am Locke had ceased to exist in the world.

Chapter IndexForward to Part 01
